Sunday, February 19, 2012

Still Paying It Forward!

I was able to help out someone near and dear to me. I realized this person had a need and God placed it in my spirit to be of help to them. This person didn't ask for my help and didn't even want to accept what it was I was offering them. I was still was of help because this wasn't about me nor was it about fulfilling a task on this list.

When God puts you in a position to be able to bless others, don't take it for granted and don't hesitate to do what he's calling you to do. Be obedient and keep in mind it is by the grace of God that we have the things that we do. You never know how close you are to being in someone else's shoes. Therefore, you shouldn't turn the other cheek nor judge the situation a person's in. Think about it, if it was you would you want someone to do the same?

A little thought to leave you with:

So now it's your turn!

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