Friday, January 13, 2012

"Drum Roll Please".......Here's the List!

  1. Pay it forward by doing something nice for someone I don’t know                                 
  2. Make a habit of volunteering more                                                              
  3. Have a day of pampering w/ an overnight stay in a suite at the MGM Grand                   
  4. Vacation somewhere I’ve never been                                                                            
  5. Get in shape (Goal: wear a bikini comfortably and happily)                                
  6. Have a small intimate 30th birthday celebration                                                   
  7. Find ways to continually enhance my spiritual life/growth                                           
  8. Do something extremely special for my mom for her birthday                              
  9. Find & make at least 3 new recipes                                                                    
  10. Create my own cupcake recipe                                                                                   
  11. Cook a five course meal                                                                                               
  12. Pay off one of my student loans                                                                                    
  13. Be wiser with my finances and start with an emergency/rainy day fund                           
  14. Make over my bedroom                                                                                                
  15. Become more health conscious (the foods I eat, working out, taking vitamins, etc.)        
  16. Go to Taste of Chicago this year (It’s July 11th-15th, 2012)                                           
  17. Finally complete a scrapbook                                                                                     
  18. Do something unexpected for my grandmother Shirley                                         
  19. Get out more (spend every Friday doing something outside of my house)            
  20. Be my own boo (treat myself to something I would expect my significant other to treat me to) 
  21. Go to a movie alone                                                                                          
  22. Do a 30 before 30 photo shoot (30 pics of me!)                                                 
  23. Learn how to sew                                                                                                    
  24. Do a painting                                                                                                 
  25. Do something to show my appreciation for my close family & friends                            
  26. Grow my hair for the next 6 months (no cuts only trimming my ends)                         
  27. Learn how to make my own body butter & scrub                                               
  28. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily & stop drinking pop (soda)                              
  29. Get organized (my closet, important documents, dresser drawers, etc.)   
  30. Go on a picnic and/or camping               

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